MLO, pronounced M'lo, comes from the Hebrew word that means "fill".
It is our desire to fill the earth with quality literature designed to reach the Jew first with Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
Messianic Literature Outreach (MLO), founded by Rachmiel Frydland in 1977, is a unique ministry seeking to reach Jewish people through culturally sensitive literature. Rachmiel Frydland, Talmudic scholar, student in a top yeshiva in Warsaw Poland, and Holocaust survivor, was particularly adept at crafting literature for a Jewish mindset. Since his death in 1985, the ministry has continued through Rabbi Elliot Klayman, its Executive Director.
Aaron L. Bortz, a business person, Jeff Adler, a congregational leader and Chuck Sugarman, a retired podiatrist, complete the ministry’s Board of Directors. The ministry is based in San Diego, California, and our staff includes our Office Manager, Deborah Remigo and our Financial Officer, Joyce Klayman.
MLO produces a quarterly magazine that contains articles germane to an understanding of the Jewish origins and essence of the faith.
Through Messianic Publishing Company, a division of MLO, we produce several books including What the Rabbis Know about the Messiah and When Being Jewish was a Crime, which were written by our founder, as well as several other books designed to educate the reader on Jewish topics.
MLO also produces holiday and biographical tracts and other literature that is designed to answer pertinent questions that confront Jewish people.
Additionally, the ministry distributes free materials overseas to such countries as Nigeria, India, and the former Soviet Union. Our materials have been translated into several languages, including Yiddish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, and Italian. Through its Israel Outreach program, MLO distributes money to needy believers in Israel. MLO has endowed a scholarship at Moody Bible Institute for students who demonstrate a desire to go into Jewish ministry, and has seeded a scholarship through the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregation’s Yeshiva Program.
MLO, pronounced M’lo, comes from the Hebrew word that means “fill”. It is our desire to fill the earth with quality literature designed to reach the Jew first with Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
MLO’s staff prays for the requests that come in and for the ministry needs. The MLO office can be reached by phone at 614.203.3579, or by e-mail:
Talmudic scholar, student in a top yeshiva in Warsaw Poland, and Holocaust survivor. Particularly adept at crafting literature for a Jewish mind set. Since his death in 1985, the ministry has continued through Elliot Klayman, now its Executive Director.